Bundesamt genehmigt Ahaus-Russland-Castoren:Scharfer Protest aus Russland***Atomkraftgegner kündigen Widerstand an
Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen
BI „Kein Atommüll in Ahaus“
Ecodefense Russland
SOFA (Sofortiger Atomausstieg) Münster
23. September 2010
Bundesamt genehmigt Ahaus-Russland-Castoren:
Scharfer Protest aus Russland
Atomkraftgegner kündigen Widerstand an
Die Anti-Atomkraft-Initiativen aus dem Münsterland sind schockiert über die heute erteilte
Genehmigung des Bundesamtes für Strahlenschutz zum Transport von 18 Castor-Behältern mit hochradioaktiven Brennelementen vom westfälischen Zwischenlager Ahaus nach Russland. Die Initiativen unterstützen die folgende Presseerklärung der russischen Umweltorganisation Ecodefense von heute. „Wir rufen zu gemeinsamen Protesten entlang der mehrere Tausend Kilometer langen Transportstrecke auf“, so Willi Hesters vom Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomlagen.
Die Castoren sollen zunächst mit dem LKW zu einem Nord- oder Ostseehafen transportiert werden und dann per Schiff nach St. Petersburg gebracht werden. Mit dem ersten Transport ist bereits in den kommenden zwei Wochen zu rechnen.
Am jetzigen Sonntag wird um 14 Uhr zum Protestauftakt ein außerordentlicher Sonntagsspaziergang am Zwischenlager Ahaus stattfinden.
Moscow, September 23, 2010
Activists in Russia and Germany criticize today’s permission to transport high
level nuclear waste from Ahaus in Germany to Russia and urge the German
authorities to cancel the plan.
Today Ecodefense sent an appeal in several German ministries in Berlin
and Dresden ((Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz, Bundesregierung, Landesregierung))
and urged to cancel the plan to send nuclear waste to Russia. Moreover, planned
nuclear transportation was criticized today by several German groups including
BI Kein Atommull in Ahaus, Aktionsbundnis Munsterland gegen
Atomanlagen, SOFA.
In August, it was announced that spent nuclear fuel of Rossendorf
research reactor will be transported from Ahaus to Russia. Place in Russia was
not identified but this will likely be „Mayak“ nuclear reprocessing
facility because this is the only place which may reprocess such type
of waste. It’s expected that nuclear waste will be transported through
the Baltic Sea to Sankt-Petersburg and then to „Mayak“ near the city
of Chelyabinsk by railroad. Territory around „Mayak“ is the most
radioactively contaminated on Earth, and part of local residents are
still living on contaminated land. According to the „Mayak“
management, the equipment at facility is very old and may present
danger. Moreover, total radioactivity already accumulated at this
facility is equal to 20 Chernobyl radioactive releases. Part of liquid
radioactive waste is dumped on regular basis into surrounding
environment. Ecodefense recently submitted lawsuit against Russian
nuclear industry and government over danger for Russian citizens from
radioactive contamination of „Mayak“. First hearing in court will be
happening on September 29 – 53th anniversary of large nuclear accident
at „Mayak“ when 20,000 sq km was contaminated with radiation.
„We demand from German authorities to cancel nuclear waste export to
Russia. This is cynical to put responsibilities for radioactive waste
on future generations of Russians and make it a solution for German
waste. International transportation of radioactive waste must be
forbidden! Nuclear industry must stop all of its activities and invest
all money it owns into safe and reliable solution for the waste
problem“, said Vladimir Slivyak, co-chairman of Russian environmental
group Ecodefense
We are standing next to you. No nuclear waste to russia or anywhere!
International resistance! Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz is sending solidarity greetings!